Posted by: parphotos | February 1, 2012

Wednesday February 1 2012

My back is messed up really bad.

Feels like something is out of place.

I got another shot in the disc 3 weeks ago but, it is not working.

Going to have to get an MRI to find out whats wrong.


  1. :’ ( Wish I could kiss it and make it all better.


  2. Pat, I will keep you in my prayers and hope that your pain can get under control. I sure do wish that the doctors could find something that could help you to live a normal life. I know how full of life you are and to be held down must be totally miserable. You take care of your self and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless


  3. Pat, Hope your feelung better real soon. Ir always keep you and your mom in my prayers. Ir hope one day them doctors can comes up with a fixed for allá your pain. Gox Bless


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